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销售安立 S331L 手持式电缆与天线分析仪



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1-4周 3月 8成新
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深圳市 完好

* 产品描述

S331L 是一款超值且耐用的手持式电缆与天线分析仪。 S331L 取代了当前超值型 S331D,而 S331D 是使用时间最长的手持式电缆与天线分析仪系列中的一个型号。 为适应现场条件,S331L 利用最新的技术进展进行了优化,操作简单,同时具有高效扫描管理功能。 S331L 的电池可全天持续使用,这是手持电缆与天线分析仪中最耐久的电池。 配备户外可视 7” TFT 大型触摸屏显示、新型直观 GUI,以及模拟 S331D 基础测量流程的经典模式,S331L 操作非常简单,同时可显著提高用户现场的工作效率。

S331L 适用于需要减少每个站点维修费用的承包商、安装人员和无线服务提供商。 新型 S331L Site Master 将使每一位需要进行基础电缆/天线和功率测量的人员获益。 简单的无选项配置和超值的价格,使 S331L 成为塔承包商的理想选择, 同时,通过分销商和类似的租赁公司,即可轻松获得 S331L。

对于没有时间在附近寻找电源的承包商,S331L 一次充电后,便可维持整个工作日的使用,从而大幅提高一整天的工作效率。 Site Master S331L 不仅工作时间更长,内存也更大,因此不必担心没有足够的空间存储刚刚完成的额外测量结果。 资本支出对收益率和稳定性都有影响。 新型 S331L 是手持式电缆与天线分析仪时代最具价值的产品。 可在最低程度影响运营费用的情况下,获得更高的产出。
  • 回波损耗
  • VSWR
  • 电缆损耗
  • 史密斯圆图(50/75 欧姆可选)
  • 单端口相位
  • 故障点定位回波损耗
  • 故障点定位 VSWR
  • 射频功率(50 MHz 到 4 GHz)
  • VIP模式:光连接器检测功能,该功能基于IEC61300-3-35标准完成对光连接器的通过/失败测试(该功能需要使用USB视频检测探头G0306A,该探头需单独采购)

  • 2 MHz 至 4 GHz 手持式电缆与天线分析仪,可抗撞击、防尘和防水
  • 使用电池可连续工作超过 8 小时
  • 标准内置 InstaCal™ 模块和功率计
  • FlexCal™ 即使在频率改变的情况下也可以维持校准
  • 内置一个“帮助”功能按钮
  • 800 x 480 7” TFT 触摸屏显示和多个 USB 端口
  • 内部存储 >1000 份文件,配备对已存储扫描结果的快速预览功能
  • Supported by Multiwave Smart Aligner Android application
  • 行业标准 *.dat 格式兼容线扫工具(LST)和 HHST
  • 光连接器检查(需要目测检查)


Product description:
The S331L is a rugged, handheld cable and antenna analyzer. Utilizing the latest advancements in technology, the S331L has been optimized for field conditions, is easy to use, and has efficient sweep management capabilities. The S331L delivers an entire workday of battery operating time. With its large outdoor viewable 7” TFT touch screen display, intuitive GUI, and classic mode, the S331L can significantly increase a user’s efficiency in the field.

The S331L is the highest value in a rugged, handheld cable and antenna analyzer. The S331L replaces the current value line S331D which is part of the longest running portable cable and antenna analyzer family in history. Utilizing the latest advancements in technology, the S331L has been optimized for field conditions, is easy to use, and has efficient sweep management capabilities. The S331L delivers an entire workday of battery operating time, the most ever offered in a handheld cable and antenna analyzer. With its large outdoor viewable 7” TFT touch screen display, new intuitive GUI, and classic mode that mimic the S331D basic measurement flow, the S331L is very easy to use, and can significantly increase a user’s efficiency in the field.

The S331L is for contractors, installers, and wireless service providers, who need an instrument to reduce per site maintenance expenses. Anyone who needs to make basic cable/antenna and power measurements will benefit from the new S331L Site Master. The simple no option configuration and high value pricing make the S331L ideal for tower contractors and can be easily provisioned by stocking distributors and rental companies alike.

For contractors who don’t have time to look for nearby power sources, the S331L will last an entire workday on a single battery charge, meaning you can be a lot more productive with your day. Not only does the Site Master S331L run longer, it also has a lot more memory internally so you don’t have to worry about running out of space for all of those extra measurements you just made. Your CAPEX affects your profitability, and your stability. The new S331L is the best value in a handheld cable and antenna analyzer period. You can get more done with minimal negative impact on your operating expenses.

Compatible with the Smart Aligner Android application for the generation of site close out reports including antenna alignment results from Multiwave tools and line sweep results.
  • Return Loss
  • VSWR
  • Cable Loss
  • Smith Chart (50/75 ohm selectable)
  • 1-port Phase
  • Distance-to-Fault Return Loss
  • Distance-to-Fault VSWR
  • RF Power (50 MHz to 4 GHz)
  • VIP Mode; Optical connector inspection with IEC 61300-3-35 based Pass/Fail standard (requires USB Video Inspection Probe G0306A, sold separately)

  • 2 MHz to 4 GHz Handheld Cable and Antenna Analyzer, impact, dust, and splash resistant
  • More than 8 hours of continuous battery operation
  • Standard built-in InstaCal™ module and Power Meter
  • FlexCal™ maintains calibration with frequency changes
  • Built-in one button Help function
  • 800 x 480 7” TFT touch screen display and multiple USB ports
  • Internally store >1000 files with fast preview of stored traces
  • Supported by Multiwave Smart Aligner Android application
  • Industry standard *.dat format compatible with Line Sweep Tools (LST) and HHST
  • Optical Connector Inspection (requires Visual Inspection Probe)











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