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销售安捷伦 N6705B 直流电源分析仪



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7天 12月 9成新
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深圳市 完好

* 产品描述


N6705B 直流电源分析仪将多达 4 个先进电源与数字万用表、示波器、任意波形发生器和 Data logger 特性融为一体,可以显著提高向被测件提供直流电压和电流以及进行测量的效率。N6705B 可独立测量被测件的电流,无需使用多个设备构建包括传感器(例如电流探头和分路器)在内的复杂测量装置。它也无需开发和调试程序,即可控制仪器组合并进行有效的测量,因为前面板已经提供了所有的功能和测量。它还可与 14585A 控制和分析软件一起使用,获得更强大的控制和分析功能。若需要自动进行工作台设置,N6705B 可通过 GPIB、USB、LAN 进行完全编程,并且符合 LXI C 类标准。

  • 便于使用的研发工具,可为被测件生成和测量直流电压和电流
  • 强大的综合功能,包括多达 4 个电源、数字万用表、示波器、任意波形发生器和数据记录器功能
  • 无需编程即可使用所有功能;可使用前面板上的控制功能或 14585A 控制和分析软件
  • 通过直观、专用的物理控制系统控制通用功能
  • 大型彩色图形显示屏,便于查看复杂数据
  • 连接和控制器件采用颜色编码,使您可以快速进行设置,不会出现错误
  • 可通过标配的 GPIB、LAN 和 USB 接口进行编程;符合 LXI C 类标准
  • 4 插槽主机最多可安装 4 个模块,总功率高达 600 W。有 20 多款直流电源模块可供选择(需单独订购模块)
  • 电压表精度:高达 0.025% + 50 µV,高达 18 位
  • 安培计精度:高达 0.025% + 8 nA,高达 18 位
  • 任意波形发生器功能:带宽高达 100 kHz,输出功率高达 300 W
  • 示波器功能:可对电压和电流进行数字化处理,200 kHz,512 kpts,高达 18 位
  • Data Logger 功能:测量间隔从 20 µs 到 60 s,每个数据记录器最多存储 5 亿个读数
  • 4 GB 非易失性数据存储器,可用于存储数据记录、示波器迹线、仪器设置


Product introduction:

The N6705B DC Power analyzer integrates up to four advanced power sources with digital multimeters, oscilloscopes, arbitrary waveform generators, and Data logger features to significantly improve the efficiency of providing DC voltage and current to the parts under test and making measurements. The N6705B can measure the current of the component under test independently, eliminating the need to construct complex measuring devices including sensors (such as current probes and shitters) using multiple devices. It also requires no development and debugging procedures to control the instrument portfolio and make effective measurements, as the front panel already provides all the functions and measurements. It can also be used with 14585A control and analysis software for more powerful control and analysis capabilities. If automatic workbench setup is required, the N6705B can be fully programmed via GPIB, USB, LAN, and conforms to LXI Class C standards.

  • Easy to use development tool to generate and measure DC voltage and current for the tested part
  • Powerful comprehensive features including up to 4 power supplies, digital multimeters, oscilloscopes, arbitrary waveform generators and data logger functions
  • All features can be used without programming; You can use the control function on the front panel or 14585A control and analysis software
  • Common functions are controlled through an intuitive, dedicated physical control system
  • Large color graphic display, easy to view complex data
  • Connection and control devices are color coded so you can set them up quickly and without errors
  • It can be programmed through the standard GPIB, LAN and USB interfaces. Meet the LXI Class C standard
  • A 4-slot host can house up to four modules with a total power of up to 600 W. More than 20 types of DC power modules are available (modules need to be ordered separately)
  • Voltmeter accuracy: up to 0.025% + 50 µV, up to 18 bits
  • Ammeter accuracy: up to 0.025% + 8 nA, up to 18 bits
  • Arbitrary waveform generator function: bandwidth up to 100 kHz, output power up to 300 W
  • Oscilloscope function: voltage and current digital processing, 200 kHz, 512 kpts, up to 18 bits
  • Data Logger Features: Measurement intervals range from 20 µs to 60 s, with each data logger storing up to 500 million readings
  • 4 GB non-volatile data memory for data recording, oscilloscope trace, instrument setup











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