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销售吉时利 2502 双通道皮安表 特价一万五含税 款到发货!



选件 是否计量 发货周期 保修时间 成色
1-4周 12月 8成新
所在地 机身号 状态 资料下载
深圳市 完好
价格: 25000元 (13%增值税专用发票)

* 产品描述


2502 型还旨在提高吉时利 LIV(光电流-电压)测试系统的吞吐量,用于激光二极管模块 (LDM) 的生产测试。这款双通道仪器与领先的光纤电信网络 LDM 制造商密切合作开发,具有易于与其他系统元件同步的功能,以严格控制光功率测量。

具有高速模拟输出,允许在 LDM 制造过程的光纤对准阶段使用 LIV 测试系统。

通过使用缓冲存储器和 Keithley 仪器独有的 Trigger Link 接口,2502 型可以为激光二极管模块的 LIV 测试提供当今最快的吞吐量。这些仪器经过精心设计,可满足全天候生产环境中连续运行的可靠性和可重复性要求。


  • 用于光功率测量、光束测量以及纳米级材料和器件研究的双通道仪器
  • 满足偏置要求的 ±100V 电源
  • 测量 1fA 至 20mA 的光电探测器电流
  • 1fA 电流测量分辨率
  • 与 2500INT 型积分球一起使用时直接测量光功率
  • 用于高分辨率光功率反馈的 0-10V 模拟输出
  • 提供高精度、高速光纤对准解决方案
  • 支持装配过程、最终测试、零件分类和规格
  • 允许光纤与激光二极管的最佳发光区域更快对齐
  • 结合光纤对准和器件表征过程
  • 用户可编程光电探测器校准系数
  • 每个通道上的 3000 点缓冲存储器允许在测试完成后进行数据传输
  • 用于分档和扫描测试操作的数字 I/O 和触发链接
  • IEEE-488 和 RS -232 接口


2502 型将吉时利在低电平电流测量方面的专业知识与高速电流测量功能相结合。该仪器的每个通道由一个电压源和一个高速皮安表组成。两个通道中的每一个都有一个独立的皮安表和电压源,可以在两个通道上同时进行测量。

高速 LIV 测试系统的一部分

在激光二极管模块 DC/CW 测试台上,2502 型为背面监测二极管和 2500INT 型积分球或光纤耦合光电探测器提供电压偏置。在施加电压偏置的同时,它测量两个光电探测器的电流输出并将这些输出转换为光功率测量值。使用用户编程的激光二极管模块波长校准系数进行转换。快速、准确的光功率测量对于分析被测激光二极管的耦合效率和光功率特性至关重要。当测试带有多个探测器的模块时,2502 型将更多的测试功能打包到更少的测试机架空间中。


Product Description:

The Model 2502 is also designed to increase the throughput of Keithley’s LIV (lightcurrent-voltage) test system for production testing of laser diode modules (LDMs). Developed in close cooperation with leading manufacturers of LDMs for fiberoptic telecommunication networks, this dual-channel instrument has features that make it easy to synchronize with other system elements for tight control over optical power measurements.

features a high speed analog output that allows using the LIV test system at the fiber alignment stage of the LDM manufacturing process.

Through the use of buffer memory and a Trigger Link interface that’s unique to Keithley instruments, the Model 2502 can offer the fastest throughput available today for LIV testing of laser diode modules. These instruments are ruggedly engineered to meet the reliability and repeatability demands of continuous operation in round-the-clock production environments.

Key Featues:

  • Dual-channel instrument for optical power measurements, beam measurements, and nanoscale materials and device research
  • ±100V source for bias requirements
  • Measure photodetector current from 1fA to 20mA
  • 1fA current measurement resolution
  • Measure optical power directly when used with Model 2500INT Integrating Sphere
  • 0–10V analog output for high resolution optical power feedback
  • Provides a high accuracy, high speed fiber alignment solution
  • Supports assembly process, final testing, parts binning, and specification
  • Allows faster alignment of the fiber with the laser diode’s optimum light emitting region
  • Combines fiber alignment and device characterization processes
  • User-programmable photodetector calibration coefficients
  • 3000-point buffer memory on each channel allows data transfer after test completion
  • Digital I/O and Trigger Link for binning and sweep test operations
  • IEEE-488 and RS -232 interfaces

Low-Level, High Speed Measurements

The Model 2502 combines Keithley’s expertise in low-level current measurements with high speed current measurement capabilities. Each channel of this instrument consists of a voltage source paired with a high speed picoammeter. Each of the two channels has an independent picoammeter and voltage source with measurements made simultaneously across both channels.

Part of a High Speed LIV Test System

In a laser diode module DC/CW test stand, the Model 2502 provides the voltage bias to both the back facet monitor diode and a Model 2500INT Integrating Sphere or to a fiber-coupled photodetector. At the same time it applies the voltage biases, it measures the current outputs of the two photodetectors and converts these outputs to measurements of optical power. The conversion is performed with the user-programmed calibration coefficient for the wavelength of the laser diode module. Fast, accurate measurements of optical power are critical for analyzing the coupling efficiency and optical power characteristics of the laser diode being tested. When testing modules with multiple detectors, the Model 2502 packs more testing capabilities into less test rack space.











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