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求购安立 MS2720T 频谱分析仪




选件 保修时间 状态 是否计量
709 不保修 完好
成色 发货周期 所在地 数量
8成新 -- 深圳市 1
预算价格: 电议



  • 频率范围:9 kHz至9 GHz,13 GHz,20 GHz,32 GHz和43 GHz
  • 测量:占用带宽,信道功率,ACPR,C / I,发射掩模,场强
  • 触摸屏用户界面
  • 干扰分析仪:频谱图,信号强度,RSSI,映射
  • AM / FM / PM分析
  • 动态范围:> 2.4 GHz时1 Hz RBW时> 106 dB
  • DANL:在1 GHz前置放大器下的1 Hz RBW中为-160 dBm
  • 相位噪声:-112 dBc / Hz @ 1 kHz偏移在1 GHz
  • 1 Hz至10 MHz分辨率带宽(RBW)
  • 可用的跟踪发生器,覆盖9 kHz至9、13和20 GHz

高达43 GHz
稳定性能新的T系列以MS272xC系列的突破性性能为基础,具有更高的扫描速度,从0到43 GHz的整个频率范围内的宽带前置放大器,显着改善的相位噪声,针对每个频谱图的GPS标记,延长了电池寿命,3.5毫米耳机插孔,Burst Detect™和跟踪发生器达到20 GHz。


设计Anritsu最高性能的Spectrum Master MS2720T手持式频谱分析仪可同时集成30多个分析仪,几乎可以满足所有测量需求。除了频谱分析仪,MS2720T还提供了几种高性能的选件,包括高精度功率计,干扰分析仪,信道扫描仪和GPS接收器。请参考MS2720T手册,以深入了解这些功能和其他可选功能。

设计中已集成了Burst Detect™,使用户能够在高达15 MHz的范围内看到短至200μs的突发信号,即使占空比较小,也能更轻松,更高效地找到此类信号的方向超过1%。

可选的GPS接收器非常灵敏,即使在某些建筑物内也可以锁定GPS网络。锁定到GPS网络后,仪器的时基精度将优于25 ppb,并且在断开GPS天线的连接后长达72小时将保持高于50 ppb的精度。

可选的高达20 GHz的全频带跟踪发生器,以0.1 dB的步长提供0至-40 dBm范围内的电平输出功率。规范化已得到改进,可以在使用跟踪生成器时执行跟踪数学运算。保存的跟踪生成器设置包括归一化数据,使无需重新归一化即可轻松继续先前的测量。

用户便利的功能(例如触摸屏)使MS2720T Spectrum Master更加易于使用。更明亮的显示屏以及多个用户可选的显示选项,包括高对比度,单色和夜视红色,使Spectrum Master在该领域表现出色。包括突发检测功能,以简化查找脉冲干扰信号的过程。



  • Frequency Ranges: 9 kHz to 9 GHz, 13 GHz, 20 GHz, 32 GHz and 43 GHz
  • Measurements: Occupied Bandwidth, Channel Power, ACPR, C/I, Emission Mask, Field Strength
  • Touch Screen User Interface
  • 3G and 4G Measurement options for LTE, CDMA, W-CDMA, WiMAX, GSM, and TD-SCDMA
  • Interference Analyzer: Spectrogram, Signal Strength, RSSI, Mapping
  • AM/FM/PM Analysis
  • Dynamic Range: > 106 dB in 1 Hz RBW @ 2.4 GHz
  • DANL: -160 dBm in 1 Hz RBW @ 1 GHz preamp On
  • Phase Noise: -112 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset at 1 GHz
  • 1 Hz to 10 MHz Resolution Bandwidth (RBW)
  • Available tracking Generator covering 9 kHz to 9, 13 and 20 GHz

Solid Performance up to 43 GHz
The new T series builds on the ground breaking performance of the MS272xC family with improved sweep speed, broadband preamplifiers over the entire frequency range from 0 to 43 GHz, significantly improved phase noise, GPS tagging for every spectrogram trace, increased battery life, 3.5 mm headset jack, Burst Detect™, and tracking generators to 20 GHz.

Enhanced GUI, Including a Large Marker Display Choice
Using a touchscreen interface, that works even when wearing heavy gloves, the user has access to an options menu which has the capability to put short cuts for frequently used functions on the main menu screen and a virtual keyboard for easily naming saved files. Markers can be dragged along a trace with a gloved finger.

Designed to Meet Virtually Every Measurement Need
The Spectrum Master MS2720T, Anritsu's highest-performing handheld spectrum analyzer features over 30 analyzers in one to meet virtually every measurement need. In addition to a spectrum analyzer, the MS2720T offers several highly-functional options including high-accuracy power meter, interference analyzer, channel scanner, and a GPS receiver. Please refer to the MS2720T Brochure for an in-depth overview of these and other optional capabilities.

Burst Detect™ has been incorporated in the design, allowing users to see bursty signals that are as short as 200 μs in a span up to 15 MHz, making direction finding on such signals much easier and more productive, even if the duty cycle is less than 1%.

The optional GPS receiver is very sensitive and can lock to the GPS network even inside some buildings. Once locked to the GPS network the instrument’s time base accuracy is better than 25 ppb and will maintain better than 50 ppb for up to 72 hours after disconnecting the GPS antenna.

Optional full band tracking generators up to 20 GHz provide level output power in the range of 0 to -40 dBm in 0.1 dB steps. Normalization has been improved to allow trace math to be performed when using the tracking generator. Saved tracking generator setups include normalization data, making it easy to continue previous measurements without the need to renormalize.

High-Performance Field Tool
User convenience features, such as a touch screen, serve to make the MS2720T Spectrum Master even easier to use. A brighter display with several user-selectable display choices including high contrast, monochrome, and night-vision red makes the Spectrum Master outstanding in the field. Burst detect is included to simplify finding pulsed interfering signals.











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