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销售莱特波特 IQxel160 WLAN测试仪



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* 产品描述

IQxel™连接性测试系统可对WLAN(802.11a / ac / b / g / j / n)和支持蓝牙(1.0至4.2)的设备进行全面覆盖,物理层测试。IQxel超出了配备802.11ac的设备的带宽和错误矢量幅度(EVM)要求。IQxel涵盖802.11ac的80和160 MHz版本。


  • Wi-Fi,802.11a / ac / ah / b / g / j / n / p
  • 蓝牙,经典(1.x,2.x,3.0),低能耗(4.0、4.1、4.2)和蓝牙5
  • 支持802.11ac通道带宽的所有组合:80、80 + 80和160 MHz
  • 支持差分模拟I和Q信号I / O,用于基带测试应用


  • 使用单个或多个同步IQxel单元支持独立,不相关信号的True MIMO(多输入多输出)技术测试
  • 灵活的架构允许随着MIMO阶数的扩展,MIMO需要从SISO要求(1个单元)扩展到多个单元


  • IQxel为2个设备提供完全校准的RF连接,从而简化了制造测试并确保了最佳的测量精度
  • 紧凑型2U高机箱占用设备机架的最小空间
  • 易于部署–完全集成的处理能力将数据传输时间减至最少,并且无需外部PC控制器和软件库安装即可进行管理




大多数的芯片组,R&d实验室,连接设备的制造商使用的LitePoint ®  测试设备-的LitePoint设备已经超过3亿设备迄今为止测试的。IQxel将这种可靠性和测量信心扩展到了更新的支持802.11ac的设备上。IQxel在全球主要制造中心的本地LitePoint人员提供支持,可在需要时提供实时的客户支持和仪器服务。LitePoint的库包含300多种IQfact™芯片组测试解决方案,可确保客户从顶级供应商处获得打包的软件解决方案,用于校准和验证前沿连接芯片组解决方案。

从LitePoint 802.11n测试仪到802.11ac测试的无缝过渡

IQxel可重复使用现有的测试脚本和软件对行业发展标准LitePoint的WLAN /蓝牙测试仪包括IQview ®,IQflex ®和IQ201X™。IQxel确保快速,轻松地过渡到802.11ac测试,同时仍使先前的802.11 a / b / g / n测试程序能够在IQxel上运行,而无需重写软件。用户可以毫不费力地迁移到测试较新的802.11ac设备的过程中,同时仍然可以利用他们先前编写的测试程序或LitePoint的IQfact芯片组校准和验证软件的广泛库。

IQxel为用户提供了开发测试软件在任何一个视窗的选项®  C / C ++ API环境或使用标准程序编程命令(SCPI)接口。SCPI接口提供了独立于操作系统的接口,可以轻松地与脚本语言(如Python)进行接口。图形化编程也支持类似的LabVIEW语言®  与LitePoint公司提供的软件库。

  • WLAN和蓝牙芯片组验证
  • WLAN路由器和接入点
  • WLAN模块和网络接口卡(NIC)
  • WLAN / Bluetooth SiP(系统级封装)设备
  • 平板电脑和智能手机


The IQxel™ connectivity test system enables full coverage, physical layer testing of WLAN (802.11a/ac/b/g/j/n) and Bluetooth (1.0 to 4.2) enabled devices. IQxel exceeds the demanding bandwidth and Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) requirements of 802.11ac equipped devices. IQxel covers both the 80 and 160 MHz versions of 802.11ac.

One System for all Key Connectivity Standards

  • Wi-Fi, 802.11a/ac/ah/b/g/j/n/p
  • Bluetooth, Classic (1.x, 2.x, 3.0), Low Energy (4.0, 4.1, 4.2), and Bluetooth 5
  • Supports all combinations of 802.11ac channel bandwidths: 80, 80+80 and 160 MHz
  • Supports differential analog I and Q signals I/O for baseband test applications

Flexible MIMO Test Solution

  • True MIMO (multiple input multiple output) technology testing supported with independent, non-correlated signals using single or multiple, synchronized IQxel units
  • Flexible architecture allows MIMO needs to be scaled from SISO requirements (1 unit) to multiple units as MIMO order expands

Optimized for Manufacturing

  • The IQxel provides fully calibrated RF connections for 2 devices simplifying manufacturing test and ensuring the best possible measurement accuracy
  • Compact 2U high chassis takes a minimum of space in equipment racks
  • Easy to deploy – fully integrated processing capabilities minimize data transfer times and requires no external PC controllers and software library installations to manage

Designed for Manufacturing

IQxel™ is the first One Box Tester (OBT) for 802.11ac devices. The rugged design makes it simple to deploy in high volume device manufacturing environments. The IQxel delivers the quickest and easiest factory test capabilities owing to a compact 2U high chassis requiring no external PC for processing, using standard gigabit Ethernet communication, and built-in web-based graphical user interface and SCPI compliant control commands.


Most chipsets, R&D labs, manufacturers of connectivity devices use LitePoint® test equipment – LitePoint equipment has tested over 3 Billion devices to date. The IQxel extends this level of reliability and confidence of measure to newer 802.11ac enabled devices. IQxel is supported by local LitePoint personnel in key global manufacturing centers providing real time customer support and instrument service should it be required. LitePoint’s library of over 300 IQfact™ chipset test solutions ensures customers can obtain packaged software solutions for both calibration and verification of leading edge connectivity chipset solutions from the top vendors.

Seamless Transition from LitePoint 802.11n Testers to 802.11ac Testing

IQxel allows re-use of existing test scripts and software developed on the industry standard LitePoint WLAN/Bluetooth testers including IQview®, IQflex®, and IQ201X™. IQxel ensures a fast and easy transition to 802.11ac testing, while still enabling previous 802.11 a/b/g/n test programs to be run on the IQxel without having to re-write software. Users can painlessly migrate to testing newer 802.11ac devices while still leveraging their previously written test programs or LitePoint’s extensive library of IQfact chipset calibration and verification software.

IQxel provides users the option of developing test software in either a Windows® C/C++ API environment or using a Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) interface. The SCPI interface provides an operating system independent interface that easily interfaces with scripting languages like Python. Graphical programming is also supported for languages like LabVIEW® with available software libraries from LitePoint.

  • WLAN and Bluetooth Chipset Validation
  • WLAN Routers and Access Points
  • WLAN Modules and Network Interface Cards (NIC)
  • WLAN / Bluetooth SiP (System in Package) devices
  • Tablets and Smartphones











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