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求购是德科技 P5025A 矢量网络分析仪




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不保修 完好
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8成新 -- 深圳市 1
预算价格: 电议



Keysight FieldFox手持式射频和微波分析仪充满信心地在 4 至 50 GHz 的频率范围内执行测量,获得精度可以与台式仪器媲美的测量结果,高达 50 GHz 的实时频谱分析(RTSA)功能让所有信号无所遁形,坚固耐用的设计达到军用标准,能够承受非常恶劣的工作环境,比其他同类解决方案更轻盈,毫米波型号比其他手持式产品轻 30%,可选择配置为电缆和天线分析仪(CAT)、矢量网络分析仪(VNA)、频谱分析仪和一体化综合分析仪。

Keysight PXI 矢量网络分析仪可选择 6 种频率范围(高达 26.5 GHz),只需为实际使用的频率付费,获得比较佳的 PXI VNA 分析速度、动态范围、迹线噪声和稳定度,改善精度、良率和裕量,提供全双端口 S 参数分析功能,仅占用一个 PXI 插槽;使您的 PXI 机箱可以腾出更多的插槽来安装其他器件,提供值得信赖的是德科技测量技术和校准,获得可靠的测量结果,通过级联多个模块,可获得真正的多端口测试以及全 N 端口测试功能。

Keysight USB矢量网络分析仪跨越台式平台、模块化平台和 USB 平台获得始终如一的技术、用户界面和自动化编码功能,可以在 4.5 GHz 至 53 GHz 之间选择频率范围,扩展测试端口数,在各个测试工位之间轻松共享紧凑型 VNA,随时进行频率和软件升级,利用与值得信赖的是德科技 VNA(PNA、ENA、PXI VNA)相同的校准和测量技术,获得始终如一的测量结果。

Keysight矢量信号分析仪有 9 kHz 至 27 GHz 多种型号可供选择,分析带宽高达 250 MHz,能够分析和测量您的矢量信号。矢量信号分析仪结合超外差技术和高速 ADC 及其他 DSP 技术,能够提供快速 FFT 高分辨率通道内频谱测量、解调和高级时域分析。尤其是在表征航空航天与国防、雷达、无线通信和航空电子应用中的复杂猝发、瞬态或调制信号时,矢量信号分析仪能够发挥更重要的作用。


  • 频率范围:100 kHz 至 26.5 GHz
  • 灵活的高性能紧凑型 VNA
  • 提供广泛的测量应用软件任您选择,对射频测试结果进行深入分析
  • 与是德科技高性能 PNA 拥有同样直观的图形用户界面
  • 支持是德科技所有电子校准件(ECal),可以快速完成校准


Keysight FieldFox handheld RF and microwave analyzers perform measurements in the frequency range of 4 to 50 GHz with confidence, obtaining measurement results with accuracy comparable to bench-top instruments, and real-time spectrum analysis (RTSA) of up to 50 GHz makes all signals The rugged, rugged design meets military standards and can withstand very harsh working environments. It is lighter than other similar solutions. The millimeter wave model is 30% lighter than other handheld products. You can choose to configure it as a cable and antenna analyzer ( CAT), vector network analyzer (VNA), spectrum analyzer and integrated comprehensive analyzer.

Keysight PXI vector network analyzer can choose 6 frequency ranges (up to 26.5 GHz), only need to pay for the actual frequency used, get better PXI VNA analysis speed, dynamic range, trace noise and stability, improve accuracy, good Rate and margin, provide full dual-port S-parameter analysis function, occupying only one PXI slot; so that your PXI chassis can free up more slots to install other devices, provide reliable Keysight measurement technology and calibration, Obtain reliable measurement results. By cascading multiple modules, you can get true multi-port testing and full N-port testing.

The Keysight USB vector network analyzer spans desktop, modular, and USB platforms to obtain consistent technology, user interface, and automated coding capabilities. The frequency range can be selected from 4.5 GHz to 53 GHz, and the number of test ports can be expanded. Easily share compact VNAs between workstations, perform frequency and software upgrades at any time, and use the same calibration and measurement technologies as trusted Keysight VNAs (PNA, ENA, PXI VNA) to obtain consistent measurement results.

The Keysight vector signal analyzer is available in a variety of models from 9 kHz to 27 GHz. The analysis bandwidth is up to 250 MHz, enabling you to analyze and measure your vector signal. The vector signal analyzer combines superheterodyne technology with high-speed ADC and other DSP technologies to provide fast FFT high-resolution channel spectrum measurement, demodulation, and advanced time-domain analysis. Especially when characterizing complex burst, transient or modulated signals in aerospace and defense, radar, wireless communications and avionics applications, vector signal analyzers can play a more important role.

Key Features and Functions

  • Frequency range of 100 kHz to 26.5 GHz
  • Optional second source available (Opt. 402)
  • Flexible, high-performance compact VNA
  • Choose from a wide range of measurement applications to gain deeper insight into your RF test
  • Features the same intuitive GUI as Keysight’s high-performance PNAs
  • Calibrate quickly with support for all Keysight electronic calibration (ECal) modules











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