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销售惠普 3457A 数字万用表




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深圳市 未知

* 产品描述


  • 3 1/2位/秒时超过1350读数/秒
  • 七个功能-DCV,ACV,DCI,ACI,欧姆,频率和周期两个插入式多路复用器
HP 3457A具有七种功能,分辨率为3 1/2至6 1/2位,可将读取速率从每2秒读取一次到1350 rds / s扩展到7 1/2位,并且基本DC伏特精度高达5 ppm。此外,使用任何一个可选的插入式多路复用器组件,3457A的输入都可以扩展到十个通道。在工作台上,前面板操作极为灵活和全面。在系统中,Hewlett-Packard接口总线(HP-IB)是标准的。
  • 强大的测量管理
  • 系统特点
  • 惠普万用表语言(HPML)
  • 控制界面中间语言(CIIL)选项
  • 三个后面板插件选项



通过使用PASS / FAIL极限测试,NULL,SCALE,THERMISTOR线性化等,可以从数学函数中获得更多功能。整个电子校准的功率(包括交流电压)使维护仪器性能变得容易。


3457A秉承了HP悠久的面向系统数字万用表的悠久传统,具有您所期望的所有系统功能以及更多使您与计算机的连接更加轻松的功能-诸如ASCII格式灵活,16位二进制或32位二进制的格式数据和缓冲存储器,以便您可以使用3457A进行最高速度的测量。此外,您会发现VOLTMETER COMPLETE输出和EXTERNAL TRIGGER输入信号非常适合使其他仪器与3457A同步。最后,可编程的前后端子切换使您无需扫描器即可测量两个单独的输入。


3457A DMM的另一个首创是易于使用的dmm语言-HPML。HPML的设计旨在使为今天的万用表编写的软件能够适应未来的需求,HPML仅要求您定义完成测量所需的参数。例如,如果要对分辨率为0.01%的9伏DC信号进行测量,则命令序列为“ DCV,9,.01”。


使用选件700,3457A通过HP-IB响应标准DMM CIIL命令。选件700在物理和功能上与标准3457A相同,将带有内置测试模块适配器(TMA)的CIIL命令集添加到DMM标准HPML。通过添加通过HP-IB通过CIIL的AC和DC电流功能,进一步增强了3457A。



为了实现测量的灵活性,44491A电枢继电器多路复用器组件提供了八个双线通道和两个电流/执行器通道。在软件控制下,八个双线通道可以重新配置为四个四线欧姆通道。两个电流通道提供自动的先断后合开关,因此永不中断高达1.5 A的电流路径。此外,这两个通道可用作外部设备执行器通道。每个通道可以切换到最高150V。通用多路复用器可以关闭一个通道并以每秒33个通道的最大速率进行测量。

为了提高扫描速度,44492A簧片继电器多路复用器组件提供了十个两线通道。44492A可用于切换DCV,ACV,AC + DCV,两线电阻,最大幅度为125 V的频率和周期测量信号。里德继电器多路复用器可以闭合继电器并以300通道的最大速率进行测量每秒。

为了测量最高1414 V峰值的电压,44497A高压组件提供了1000:1衰减器输入(通道1)用于高压测量。此外,另一个后端子输入(通道0)可用于执行常规VDC,VAC,两线和四线欧姆,周期,频率,DCI和ACI测量。在6 1/2位模式下将44497A与3457A一起使用时,对于1000 V输入,其分辨率为1 mV。实施MATH Scale功能,将使3457A LCD以正确的千伏单位显示测量结果。


  • Over 1350 readings/sec at 3 1/2 Digits
  • Seven Functions - DCV, ACV, DCI, ACI, Ohms, Frequency and Period Two Plug-In Multiplexer

HP 3457A has seven functions with 3 1/2 to 6 1/2 digits of resolution extendable to 7 1/2 digits at reading rates from 1 reading every 2 seconds to 1350 rds/s and basic DC volts accuracy as good as 5 ppm.  In addition, the input of the 3457A can be expanded up to ten channels with either of the optional plug-in multiplexer assemblies.  On the bench, the front panel operation is extremely flexible and comprehensive.  In systems, the Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB) is standard.
  • Powerful Measurement Management
  • System Features
  • Hewlett-Packard Multimeter Language (HPML)
  • Control Interface Intermediate Language (CIIL) Option
  • Three Rear Panel Plug-In Options

Powerful Measurement Management

The 3457A combines superb analog measuring capability with equally powerful measurement management.  More than 1000 readings or whole measurement sequences can be stored in the 3457A for convenient and fast measurement throughput.  The present dmm setup can be stored in the non-volatile state memory for convenient reconfiguration of the dmm.

Additional power from math functions can be obtained by using PASS/FAIL limit testing, NULL, SCALE, THERMISTOR linearization, and others.  The power of total electronic calibration, including AC volts, makes it easy to maintain instrument performance.

System Features

Keeping with HP's long tradition of systems oriented digital multimeters, the 3457A has all the systems features you've come to expect plus more to make interfacing to your computer even easier - features like flexible formatting of ASCII, 16 bit binary, or 32 bit binary data and buffer memory so that you can take measurements with the 3457A at its highest speed.  In addition, you'll find the VOLTMETER COMPLETE output and EXTERNAL TRIGGER input signals ideal for synchronizing other instrumentation with the 3457A.  Finally, programmable front-rear terminal switching lets you measure two separate inputs without a scanner.

Hewlett-Packard Multimeter Language (HPML)

Another first for the 3457A DMM is an easy-to-use dmm language-HPML.  Designed so that software written for today's multimeter will fit tomorrow's, HPML only asks you to define the parameters necessary to accomplish your measurement.  For example, if you want to make a measurement on a 9 volt DC signal with .01% resolution, the command sequence is "DCV, 9, .01".

Control Interface Intermediate Language (CIIL) Option

With Option 700, the 3457A responds to standardized DMM CIIL commands via HP-IB.  Physically and functionally identical to the standard 3457A, Option 700 adds the CIIL command set with a built-in Test Module Adapter (TMA) to the DMMs standard HPML.  The 3457A is further enhanced by adding the functions of AC and DC current through CIIL through HP-IB.

Three Rear Panel Plug-In Options

Either one of three different optional assemblies may be used with the 3457A for different measurement capabilities.  Using the multiplexer assemblies with enable up to ten signal channels to be scanned either sequentially or randomly.  All of the functional capability offered through the normal front and rear input terminals is available for multiple inputs.  Using the high voltage assembly allows single channel measurement of either AC or DC voltages at the rear panel.

For measurement flexibility, the 44491A Armature Relay Multiplexer Assembly offers eight two-wire channels and two current/actuator channels.  Under software control, the eight two-wire channels can be reconfigured to four 4-wire ohm channels.  The two current channels offer automatic make-before-break switching so that the path for current as high as 1.5 A is never broken.  In addition, these two channels can be used as external device actuator channels.  Each channel can switch up to 150V.  The general purpose multiplexer can close a channel and make a measurement at a maximum rate of 33 channels per second.

For higher speed scanning, the 44492A Reed Relay Multiplexer Assembly offers ten two-wire channels.  The 44492A is useful for switching DCV, ACV, AC+DCV, two wire ohms, frequency and period measurement signals with a maximum amplitude of 125 V.  The Reed Relay Multiplexer can close a relay and make a measurement at a maximum rate of 300 channels per second.

For measurement of voltages up to 1414 V peak, the 44497A High Voltage Assembly offers a 1000:1 attenuator input (channel 1) for the high voltage measurements.  In addition, the other rear terminal input (channel 0) can be utilized to perform conventional VDC, VAC, Two-wire and Four-wire Ohms, Period, Frequency, DCI, and ACI measurements.  Using the 44497A with the 3457A in the 6 1/2 digit mode will yield a resolution of 1 mV for a 1000 V input.  Implementing the MATH Scale function will have the 3457A LCD display the measurement results in the correct units of kilovolts.











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