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销售罗德与施瓦茨 ZNB 矢量网络分析仪



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深圳市 完好

* 产品描述


频率范围包括9 kHz到4.5 GHz、9 kHz到8.5 GHz、100 kHz到20 GHz和100 kHz到40 GHz,此款新型网络分析仪定位于移动无线电、电子消费品和航空航天及国防应用,此外还可以用于高速电路板的设计。




R&S®ZNB矢量网络分析仪的动态范围高达140 dB (IF带宽为10 Hz时)、迹线噪声低于0.004 dB RMS(IF带宽为10 kHz时),输出功率高达+13 dBm (采用电控衰减器,输出功范度–优于5µs/点。该系列产品具有卓越的温度稳定度性和长期稳定性,可以连续数天不间断地测量,且无需重新校准。双端口和四端口分析仪纵向尺寸小、结构紧凑,可以为测量应用预留充足的工作台空间。由于能耗低,且采用了先进的冷却设计,因而它们的工作噪音极低。此外,低能耗也降低了运行成本,对环境更加友好。


R&S®ZNB端口方向性优于30 dB,未修正端口匹配(即未校准时)高达30 dB。长期稳定性和温度稳定性的改进,在经过校准后,进一步提高了测量精确度。即使仅通过部分校准,例如,采用直通标准进行传输归一化,R&S®ZNB也可以在测量速度为全双端口校准的两倍时获得此前复杂的双端口校准才能实现的测量精度。温度稳定性高,支持长校准间隔R&S®ZNB的测试装置和接收机具有卓越的温度稳定性和长期稳定性。该分析仪在测量S参数时具有极低的幅度和相位漂移(典型值分别小于0.01 dB/ºC和0.15º/ºC)。校准后的R&S®ZNB在数天内无需重新校准,仍可保证测量的精确性。51个点,一般情况合成器速度快,实现高测量速度R&S®ZNB的快速合成器,其切换时间优于10µs。据此,该分析仪可以实现高扫描速度,获得相较于同类产品更高的测量速度。



  • 频率范围从9 kHz到40 GHz
  • 宽动态范围:140 dB (最大值)
  • 短扫描时间:4 ms即可扫描完401个点
  • 高温度稳定性:0.01dB/ºC (典型值)
  • 宽功率扫描范围:98 dB
  • 宽IF带宽范围:1 Hz至10 MHz
  • 支持手动和自动校准
  • 高分辨率、12.1"大型显示屏
  • 触摸屏用户界面
  • 2或4个端口
  • 有2个独立发生器的4端口机型
  • 使用开关矩阵可扩展至48个端口


Product Description:
The frequency range includes 9 kHz to 4.5 GHz, 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz, 100 kHz to 20 GHz, and 100 kHz to 40 GHz. This new network analyzer is positioned for mobile radio, consumer electronics and aerospace and defense applications. In addition, it can Used in the design of high-speed circuit boards.

R&S®ZNB is the best choice for the development, production and maintenance of radio frequency components such as amplifiers, mixers, filters and cables.

The dynamic range of the R&S®ZNB vector network analyzer is up to 140 dB (when the IF bandwidth is 10 Hz), the trace noise is less than 0.004 dB RMS (when the IF bandwidth is 10 kHz), and the output power is up to +13 dBm (using electronically controlled attenuation) The output power range is better than 5µs/point. This series of products has excellent temperature stability and long-term stability, and can be measured continuously for several days without recalibration. Dual-port and four-port analyzers are longitudinal The small size and compact structure can reserve sufficient workbench space for measurement applications. Due to low energy consumption and advanced cooling design, their working noise is extremely low. In addition, low energy consumption also reduces operating costs. The environment is more friendly.

The R&S®ZNB port directivity is better than 30 dB, and the uncorrected port matching (that is, when it is not calibrated) is as high as 30 dB. The improvement of long-term stability and temperature stability, after calibration, further improves the measurement accuracy. Even through partial calibration, for example, using a pass-through standard for transmission normalization, R&S®ZNB can achieve the measurement accuracy that can only be achieved with the previous complex two-port calibration when the measurement speed is twice that of the full two-port calibration. High temperature stability, supporting long calibration interval R&S®ZNB test devices and receivers have excellent temperature stability and long-term stability. The analyzer has extremely low amplitude and phase drift when measuring S parameters (typical values are less than 0.01 dB/ºC and 0.15º/ºC, respectively). The calibrated R&S®ZNB does not need to be recalibrated within a few days, and the accuracy of the measurement can still be guaranteed. With 51 points, the synthesizer is generally fast, and the fast synthesizer of R&S®ZNB that realizes high measurement speed, its switching time is better than 10µs. Accordingly, the analyzer can achieve high scanning speed and obtain a higher measurement speed than similar products.

main feature:

  • Frequency range from 9 kHz to 40 GHz
  • Wide dynamic range: 140 dB (maximum)
  • Short scan time: 401 points can be scanned in 4 ms
  • High temperature stability: 0.01dB/ºC (typical value)
  • Wide power sweep range: 98 dB
  • Wide IF bandwidth range: 1 Hz to 10 MHz
  • Support manual and automatic calibration
  • High resolution, 12.1" large display
  • Touch screen user interface
  • 2 or 4 ports
  • 4-port model with 2 independent generators
  • Can be expanded to 48 ports using switch matrix











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