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销售泰克 DPO5054 混合信号示波器



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* 产品描述



使用DPO5054数字荧光示波器,您可以用一台仪器分析多达20个模拟和数字信号,从而快速发现和诊断复杂设计中的问题。它的500 MHz带宽和5 GS / s的采样率可确保您具有查看快速变化的信号详细信息所需的性能。为了在保持良好的定时分辨率的同时捕获较长的信号活动窗口,DPO5054在所有通道上提供了高达12.5M点的标准深度记录长度,在两个通道上提供了高达250M点的可选记录长度。



DPO5054提供了一组强大的功能,可加快设计调试的各个阶段- 从快速发现并捕获异常,到在波形记录中搜索事件并分析其特征和设备行为,一应俱全。


12.5M点的标准记录长度代表数千个信息屏幕。通过DPO5054,您可以使用Wave Inspector(业界最佳的导航和搜索工具)在几秒钟内找到您的事件。


DPO5054的数字荧光粉技术可让您快速了解设备的实际操作。其快速的波形捕获速率-大于250,000 wfm / s-使您有很高的可能性快速发现数字系统中常见的不常见问题:欠脉冲,毛刺,定时问题等。




TPP0500探头是每个DPO5054示波器的标准配置,提供500 MHz的模拟带宽和小于4 pF的电容负载。极低的电容负载最大程度地减少了对电路的不利影响,并且更宽容了更长的接地引线。借助探头的宽带宽,您可以看到信号中的高频成分,这对于高速应用至关重要。TPP0500无源电压探头具有通用探头的所有优点,例如高动态范围,灵活的连接选项和坚固的机械设计,同时还提供了有源探头的性能。

包括:每个模拟通道一个TPP0500(500 MHz,10X,3.9 pF)无源电压探头,前盖(200-5130-xx),触摸屏手写笔(119-6107-xx),用户手册(071-2790-xx) ),NI LabVIEW SignalExpress Tektronix Edition软件,附件袋,鼠标,校准证书,记录对国家计量学院的测量可追溯性,Z 540-1符合性和ISO9001,电源线,一年保修。

  • 500 MHz带宽
  • 所有四个通道的实时采样率均为5 GS / s
  • 记录长度为12.5M;MultiView Zoom™记录长度高达250 Megapoint
  • FastAcq™的最大波形捕获速率> 250,000 wfms / s
  • 具有每秒超过310,000帧的捕获速率的FastFrame分段存储器采集模式
  • TPP0500标准无源电压探头,电容负载小于4 pF,模拟带宽为500 MHz
  • 用户可选的带宽限制滤波器,可实现更好的低频测量精度
  • 53种自动测量,波形直方图和FFT分析,可简化波形分析
  • 可选的串行触发和分析
  • 可选技术特定分析
  • 标准可移动硬盘驱动器
  • Microsoft®Windows 7 64位操作系统



Feature-rich Tools for Debugging Mixed Signal Designs

With the DPO5054 Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope, you can analyze up to 20 analog and digital signals with a single instrument to quickly find and diagnose problems in complex designs. Its 500 MHz bandwidth and 5 GS/s sample rate ensure you have the performance you need to see fast-changing signal details. To capture long windows of signal activity while maintaining fine timing resolution, the DPO5054 offers a deep record length of up to 12.5M points standard on all channels and an optional record length of up to 250M points on two channels.

With Wave Inspector® controls for rapid waveform navigation, and more than 10 optional software and analysis packages for common technologies and in-depth analysis tasks, the DPO5054 from Tektronix provides the feature-rich tools you need to simplify and speed debug of your complex design.

Comprehensive Features Speed Every Stage of Debug

The DPO5054 offers a robust set of features to speed every stage of debugging your design &emdash; from quickly discovering an anomaly and capturing it, to searching your waveform record for the event and analyzing its characteristics and your device's behavior.

Wave Inspector® Navigation and Advanced Search and Mark

A 12.5M point standard record length represents thousands of screens of information. The DPO5054 enables you to find your event in seconds with Wave Inspector, the industry's best tool for navigation and search.

Digital Phosphor Technology

The DPO5054's digital phosphor technology provides you with fast insight into the real operation of your device. Its fast waveform capture rate — greater than 250,000 wfm/s — gives you a high probability of quickly seeing the infrequent problems common in digital systems: runt pulses, glitches, timing issues, and more.

Waveforms are superimposed with one another and waveform points are color coded by frequency of occurrence. This quickly highlights the events that occur more often over time or, in the case of infrequent anomalies, occur less often.

With the DPO5054, you can choose infinite persistence or variable persistence, determining how long the previous waveform acquisitions stay on-screen. This allows you to determine how often an anomaly is occurring.

Accurate High-speed Probing

The TPP0500 probes, included standard with every DPO5054 oscilloscope, provide 500 MHz of analog bandwidth, and less than 4 pF of capacitive loading. The extremely low-capacitive loading minimizes adverse affects on your circuits and is more forgiving of longer ground leads. And with the probe's wide bandwidth, you can see the high-frequency components in your signal, which is critical for high-speed applications. The TPP0500 passive voltage probes offer all the benefits of general-purpose probes like high dynamic range, flexible connection options, and robust mechanical design, while providing the performance of active probes.

Includes: One TPP0500 (500 MHz, 10X, 3.9 pF) passive voltage probe per analog channel, front cover (200-5130-xx), touch-screen stylus (119-6107-xx), user manual (071-2790-xx), NI LabVIEW SignalExpress Tektronix Edition software, accessory pouch, mouse, Calibration Certificate documenting measurement traceability to National Metrology Institute(s), Z 540-1 Compliance and ISO9001, power cord, one-year warranty.

  • 500 MHz Bandwidth
  • 5 GS/s Real-time Sample Rate on All Four Channels
  • 12.5M record length; Up to 250 Megapoint Record Length with MultiView Zoom™
  • >250,000 wfms/s Maximum Waveform Capture Rate with FastAcq™
  • FastFrame Segmented Memory Acquisition Mode with >310,000 Frames per Second Capture Rate
  • TPP0500 Standard Passive Voltage Probes with Less than 4 pF Capacitive Loading and 500 MHz Analog Bandwidth
  • User-selectable Bandwidth Limit Filters for Better Low-frequency Measurement Accuracy
  • 53 Automated Measurements, Waveform Histograms, and FFT Analysis for Simplified Waveform Analysis
  • Optional Serial Triggering and Analysis
  • Optional Technology Specific Analysis
  • Standard removable hard disk drive
  • Microsoft® Windows 7 64-bit Operating System
  • USB, LAN (LXI-C)











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