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求购是德科技 33600A 波形发生器




选件 保修时间 状态 是否计量
不保修 完好
成色 发货周期 所在地 数量
8成新 -- 深圳市 1
预算价格: 电议



  • 条件:新测试设备
  • 80和120 MHz
  • 1和2通道型号
  • 高达100 MHz的脉冲
  • 1 GSa / s采样率
  • 14位幅度分辨率
  • Trueform任意波形,定序
  • 每个通道的任意内存高达64 MSa
  • 低抖动:1 ps,低相位噪声:-125 dBc / Hz
  • 低谐波和寄生失真
  • PRBS串行模式
  • 可选的高稳定性时基
  • 三年保固
  • 视频:同步多个波形发生器
  • 视频:快速准确的电子热特性
  • 视频:带有函数发生器的惊人的水技巧



与上一代DDS波形发生器相比,采用独有的Trueform技术的新型33600A系列波形发生器提供了更多的功能,保真度和灵活性。33600A系列提供4种80和120 MHz的可升级型号,1或2通道,具有定序和64 MSa存储器的Trueform arbs,1 ps抖动(DDS发生器抖动的1/100)和5倍于DDS发生器的谐波失真。33600A系列提供全套标准功能和一个可选的基带IQ信号播放器,旨在从头到尾加速您的开发过程。



  • 波形求和合并能力
  • 可变带宽噪声
  • 波形排序
  • 伪随机二进制序列(PRBS)模式生成
  • 智能手机和平板电脑访问
  • 灵活地创建和播放波形
  • 内置网络浏览器
  • 标准深度内存


100 MHz脉冲 高带宽脉冲,100 MHz,DDS脉冲限制为50 MHz,分别设置上升沿和下降沿时间
PRBS模式 提供标准PRBS码型,PN3至PN32选择PN类型,设置比特率,设置边沿时间
2通道耦合 双通道耦合,频率和幅度以及跟踪设置每个通道的开始相位,通道之间的相移
组合信号 将两个信号求和,频率和幅度无关的2音(2声道为4音),正弦,脉冲噪声等
真棒 共同创建多达400万个样本标准,6400万个可选的Connect arb细分,以及多达512个细分
低压设定 较低的电压范围为1 mVpp,DDS仅为10 mVpp设置高低电压限制以防止DUT过载
带限噪声 调整带宽以集中噪声的能量噪声源达到完整的120 MHz带宽




在知道以后可以升级带宽和/或内存的情况下,选择具有您现在所需功能的型号。所有型号均具有丰富的内置标准功能,包括LAN,USB和可选的GPIB接口,4 MSamp的内存,外部时基输入以及基本的波形生成软件。您将获得生成干净,精确,低噪声的信号以测试设计所需的一切。


波形发生器 33611A 33612A 33621A 33622A
带宽 80兆赫 80兆赫 120兆赫 120兆赫
通道数 1个 2 1个 2


Key Features & Specifications

  • Condition: New Test Equipment
  • 80 & 120 MHz
  • 1- & 2-channel models
  • Up to 100 MHz pulse
  • 1 GSa/s sampling rate
  • 14-bit amplitude resolution
  • Trueform arbitrary waveforms, sequencing
  • Up to 64 MSa per channel arb memory
  • Low jitter: 1 ps, low phase noise: -125 dBc/Hz
  • Low harmonic and spurious distortion
  • PRBS serial patterns
  • Optional high-stability time-base
  • Three-year warranty
  • Video: Synchronizing Multiple Waveform Generators
  • Video: Quick and Accurate Electronics Thermal Characterization
  • Video: Amazing Water trick with a Function Generator


Generate Trueform arbitrary waveforms with less jitter and more fidelity

The new 33600A Series of waveform generators with exclusive Trueform Technology offer more capability, fidelity and flexibility than previous generation DDS waveform generators. The 33600A Series provides 4 upgradable models in 80 and 120 MHz, 1- or 2-channels, Trueform arbs with sequencing and 64 MSa memory, 1 ps jitter (1/100th the jitter of DDS generators) and 5x lower harmonic distortion than DDS generators. The 33600A Series offers a full set of standard features and an optional baseband I-Q signal player that are designed to accelerate your development process from start to finish.

Unmatched capabilities for generating a full range of signals

The 33600A Series waveform generators offer the common signals and features you expect, such as modulation, sweep and burst. However, it also offers features that give you the capabilities and flexibility you need to get your job done quickly — no matter how complex, like LAN, USB and optional GPIB interfaces. The 33600A Series waveform generators offer a variety of capabilities designed to help you accelerate your testing and get your project wrapped up faster:

  • Waveform summing and combining capability
  • Variable-bandwidth noise
  • Waveform sequencing
  • Pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS) pattern generation
  • Smart phone and tablet access
  • Flexibility in creating and playing waveforms
  • Built-in Web browser
  • Standard deep memory

Unique features of the 33600A Series waveform generators

100 MHz PULSE High-bandwidth pulse, 100 MHz, DDS pulse limited to 50 MHz Set leading and trailing edge times independently
PRBS PATTERNS Provides standard PRBS patterns, PN3 through PN32 Select PN type, set bit rate, set edge times
2-CHANNEL COUPLING Dual-channel coupling, frequency and amplitude, and tracking Set start phase for each channel, phase shift between channels
COMBINING SIGNALS Sum two signals together, frequency and amplitude independent 2-tone (4-tone on 2-ch), square-sine, noise on pulse, and others
TRUEFORM ARBS Create up to 4 million samples standard, 64 million optional Connect arb segments together, with up to 512 segments
LOW VOLTAGE SETTINGS Lower voltage range at 1 mVpp, DDS is only 10 mVpp Set high and low voltage limits to prevent overload on DUT
BAND-LIMITED NOISE Adjust bandwidth to concentrate the energy of the noise Noise source goes to full 120 MHz bandwidth

Overcomes DDS limitations

Keysight's Trueform technology offers an alternative that blends the best of DDS and point-per-clock architectures, giving you the benefits of both without the limitations of either. Trueform technology uses an exclusive digital sampling technique that delivers unmatched performance at the same low price you are accustomed to with DDS.

4 Models to Choose From

Choose the model with the capability you need now, knowing you can upgrade bandwidth and/or memory later. All models come with a rich set of built-in, standard features, including LAN, USB and optional GPIB interfaces, 4 MSample of memory, an external timebase input, and basic waveform generation software. You get everything you need to generate clean, precise, low-noise signals for testing your designs.

33600A Series waveform generators with Trueform technology

Waveform generator 33611A 33612A 33621A 33622A
Bandwidth 80 MHz 80 MHz 120 MHz 120 MHz
Number of channels 1 2 1 2











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