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求购安立 MU909020A 光通道分析仪模块




选件 保修时间 状态 是否计量
不保修 完好
成色 发货周期 所在地 数量
8成新 -- 深圳市 1
预算价格: 电议



用于CWDM接入网络的安装,维护和故障排除的经济高效,小巧,坚固耐用且易于使用的测试设备– Anritsu MU909020A
新的Anritsu MU909020A /光通道分析仪模块是一种现场模块化设备,旨在测量和监控功率和功率。 18个CWDM通道上的波长 对于新兴的CWDM市场,它是经济高效的OSA替代品,可在各种环境中提供快速可靠的测量。小型,轻巧且坚固耐用的手持式设计使其成为负责安装,维护CWDM接入网络并对其进行故障排除的现场技术人员的理想工具。

专用工具 Anritsu MU909020A光通道分析仪专为在现场测试CWDM通道而设计。一目了然地概述了所有18个CWDM通道的功率电平和波长。此外,还存储了ITU-T G.695建议书中定义的所有参数和配置的PASS / FAIL阈值,使技术人员可以轻松评估网络状况。它还可以通过多个漂移功能进行长期表征。凭借其软件界面专门针对所需功能,它易于用于任何技能水平,从而显着减少了培训费用。

Anritsu MU909020A可以在大约15秒内准备好进行测量,因此可以立即开始生产工作。由于没有活动部件,因此Anritsu MU909020A比任何OSA都快,可快速排除CWDM网络故障。此外,由于可以保存屏幕截图,将数据存储在内部存储器或外部USB存储设备中以及可以轻松地将文件传输到PC中,因此可以轻松地将测量结果添加到测试报告中。凭借其轻巧的设计和用户友好的尺寸,光通道分析仪非常适合外部工厂环境,并且可以轻松地用一只手进行管理。其高分辨率,全彩,4.3英寸宽屏显示器是查看结果的理想格式。它还在室内和室外均具有出色的可读性。而且由于交流电源并不总是在您需要的地方可用,特别是在光纤基座上,MT9090A通常可以对电池进行4小时的测试。小型,轻巧且坚固耐用的手持式设计使其成为负责安装,维护CWDM接入网络并对其进行故障排除的现场技术人员的理想工具。

Anritsu MT9090A具有模块化设计,可在现场轻松更换模块。用户可以互换不同的光信道分析仪模块,或执行其他光网络测试,例如使用可用的Anritsu MU909011A故障定位器模块来验证引入电缆的安装。所有模块的操作都非常相似,因此用户将立即熟悉它们的操作。


  • 用于CWDM网络安装,调试和故障排除的专用工具
  • 快速准确地概述所有CWDM通道以及通道随时间的漂移
  • 完全符合ITU-T G.695和G.694.2标准
  • 预先存储或用户定义的阈值,便于进行通过/不通过测试
  • 功率计操作,可测量总入射功率
  • 短的启动和预热时间,以及较长的电池寿命,可快速表征CWDM网络
  • 高分辨率,宽屏彩色显示屏,便于在室内或室外阅读
  • 坚固的密封设计可在最具挑战性的环境中提供多年的服务
  • 模块化平台可确保最大的投资回报率
  • 紧凑轻巧的设计,可在现场实现最大的便携性
  • 高性能但价格不高



Cost-effective, small, rugged and easy-to-use test equipment for installation, maintenance and troubleshooting of CWDM access networks – The Anritsu MU909020A
The new Anritsu MU909020A/Optical channel Analyser module is a field modular device designed to measure and monitor power and wavelength over the 18 CWDM channels. It is a cost-effective alternative to more complex OSA for the emerging CWDM market, providing fast and reliable measurements in every environment. The small, lightweight and rugged handheld design makes this the ideal tool for field technicians tasked with installation, maintenance and troubleshooting of CWDM access networks.

Dedicated tool for CWDM applications
The Anritsu MU909020A Optical Channel Analyser is purpose built for testing CWDM channels in the field. It provides an overview of the power levels and wavelengths of all 18 CWDM channels at a glance. In addition, PASS/FAIL thresholds are stored for all parameters and configurations defined in ITU-T G.695 recommendation, allowing technicians to easily assess the network condition. It also enables long-term characterisations with several drift functions. With its software interface focused exclusively on the features needed, it is easy to use for any skill level, significantly decreasing training expenses.

Fast measurement in the field
The Anritsu MU909020A is ready for measurement in about 15 seconds, so productive work can start immediately. With no moving parts, the Anritsu MU909020A is faster than any OSA, providing quick troubleshooting of a CWDM network. Besides, measurement results can easily be added to test reports, thanks to the ability to save screen shots, to store data in the internal memory or on external USB memory devices, and to easily transfer files into a PC. With its lightweight design and user friendly dimensions, the Optical Channel Analyser is perfect for the outside plant environment and can easily be managed with one hand.  Its high resolution, full color, 4.3 inch wide screen display is the perfect format for viewing results. It also provides excellent readability both indoors and outdoors. And since AC power is not always available where you need it, especially at fiber pedestals, the MT9090A typically provides 4 hours of testing on battery. The small, lightweight and rugged handheld design makes this the ideal tool for field technicians tasked with installation, maintenance and troubleshooting of CWDM access networks.

Modular Design
The Anritsu MT9090A features a modular design allowing modules to be easily changed in the field.  Users can interchange different Optical Channel Analyser modules or perform other optical network testing such as verification of drop cable installation with the available Anritsu MU909011A Fault Locator module.  Operation of all the modules is quite similar, so the user will immediately be familiar with their operation.


  • Dedicated tool for installation, commissioning, and troubleshooting of CWDM networks
  • Fast and accurate overview of all CWDM channels and channel drifts over time
  • Fully compliant to the ITU-T G.695 and G.694.2 standards
  • Pre-stored or user-defined threshold values for easy Go/No Go testing
  • Power meter operation with measurement of the total incident power
  • Short boot-up and warm-up times plus long battery life, for rapid field characterisation of CWDM networks
  • High resolution, widescreen colour display that is easy to read indoors or out
  • Rugged, sealed design provides years of service in the most challenging environments
  • Modular platform ensures maximum return on investment
  • Compact and lightweight design for maximum portability in the field
  • High performance without a high price











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